Abstract: This research presented the development and evaluation of a Bhagwa variety pomegranate (Punica granatum) wine. The study monitored quality parameters and phytochemical composition throughout the winemaking process. The choice of cultivar and winemaking procedures, especially fermentation duration, significantly influenced the final wine quality and composition. The study found that S. cerevisiae can be effectively used for pomegranate wine development. Glucose and fructose levels decreased from 4.39 and 5.04 to 0.04 and 0.22100mL-1, respectively, which resulted in successful fermentation. Anthocyanin content decreased from 110 to 70 100mL-1. Gallic acid peaked at 28.65 before dropping to 18.47100mL-1. The antioxidant capacity slightly decreased from 18 to 14 mM Trolox. The research suggests future studies should aim to preserve and enhance these properties during fermentation.
K. Rajesh*, M. Abdul Kalam, M. Leelavathi, G. Sony, M. Sai Srinivas, M. Kirthy Reddy
College of Food Science and Technology, Pulivendula, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh. Corresponding e-mail: k.rajesh@angrau.ac.in
Abstract: This study was undertaken to develop ash gourd juice powder (AGP) with the assistance of different carrier agents viz., Maltodextrin (MD), Gum Arabic (GA), Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) in different proportions by freeze-drying. The carrier agents were added in 1:10, 3:20 and 1:5 (w/v) to study their effect on the physicochemical properties like moisture content, color and techno-functional properties like powder recovery, bulk density, tapped density, Hausner ratio, Carr index, swelling capacity, water and oil holding capacity, water solubility index and hygroscopicity. GA as carrier agent had reported the highest yield (16.04%) followed by samples with SPI and MD as carrier agents. AGP produced with maltodextrin (1:5) showed more lightness (L*) than MD (1:10) and MD (3:20) whereas, GA based sample at 1:5 showed more lightness (L*) than SPI (1:5). AGP samples with SPI as carrier agent showed higher moisture content (MC), bulk density (BD) and tapped density (TD) compared to GA and MD added samples. Also, the moisture content, bulk density and tapped density of dried powders decreased with an increase in carrier agents proportion. Dried AGP obtained from MD as carrier agent showed more oil holding capacity and the sample with a carrier agent showed better water holding capacity. Higher swelling capacity was observed in samples with MD (1:5) as a carrier agent than (1:10) and (3:20). Powder with MD as a carrier agent showed higher water solubility index (WSI%) with a trend of increase in carrier agent proportion. However, hygroscopicity (HY%) was higher in samples with MD compared to samples with SPI and GA. Also, the HY% decreased with an increase in carrier agent proportions. The wettability of AGP decreased with an increase in carrier agent proportion. Powder obtained through GA as a carrier agent took more time than other carrier agents like SPI and MD. Overall, the study indicated that ash gourd can be dried by using freeze dryer to protect techno-functional and physicochemical properties. Further, the nutritive composition of the samples needs to be assessed to evaluate the change in composition after freeze drying.
Dž. Fazli?1, A. Udovi?i?2, M. Valjevac2, M. He?o2, L. Kari?2, ?. Zahirovi? Sinanovi?2 and S. Murti?3*
1Department of Food Technology, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Sarajevo - 71 000, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2Department of Vegetable Crops, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Sarajevo - 71 000, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 3Department of Plant Physiology, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Sarajevo - 71 000, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Corresponding e-mail: murticsenad@hotmail.com
Abstract: The present study reports a comparison of the mineral composition of four selected cultivated mushrooms: lion’s mane (Hericiuma erinaceus), reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), pink oyster mushroom (Pleurotus djamor) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The levels of studied mineral elements (K, Ca, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb) in the substrate and mushroom samples were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy using the Shimadzu AA-7000 device. The most abundant mineral elements in the analyzed mushrooms were K and Ca, ranging between 23703.2–36721.8 mg kg-1 and 105.3–123.1 mg kg-1 dry mass, respectively. The content of heavy metals (Ni, Cr and Cd) was very low, while Pb and Co were below detectable levels. The study findings suggest that the translocation of mineral elements from substrate to mushroom fruiting bodies is strongly species-dependent.
K. Lamo1*, A.K. Sangwan2, N.P. Singh1 and M.K. Batth1
1Department Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, 141004. 2Dr J.C. Bakhshi Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University, Abohar 152116, India. Corresponding e-mail: kunzanglamospadumpa@gmail.com
Abstract: An investigation was carried out to examine the morphological features of molecularly confirmed putative hybrids derived from different cross combinations of sweet orange and mandarin varieties. The results revealed that phenotypic leaf characters of F1 zygotic hybrid seedlings in all the crosses had a simple type of leaf division. The shape of leaves in all the hybrids was either elliptic or lanceolate, without any clear-cut differentiation. Results indicated a significant variation in leaf lamina shape in hybrids, elliptical and lanceolate form was observed in Mosambi ×Mukaku Kishu and Jaffa × Mukaku Kishu, elliptical and obovate leaf lamina type was observed in Mosambi × W. Murcott and Jaffa × W. Murcott cross. Leaf lamina shape in hybrids of Mosambi × Clementine and Jaffa × Clementine was lanceolate and elliptical type. Leaf apex shape that dominates in Mosambi ×W. Murcott hybrids were acute and obtuse types. In Mosambi × Clementine hybrids, acuminate and acute forms were more dominant. Leaf apex that dominates in hybrids of Jaffa × Mukaku Kishu cross was acute and acuminate type. Hybrids derived from Jaffa × W. Murcott cross had acute and obtuse leaf apex. While in Jaffa × Clementine cross, hybrids had acuminate and acute as the most dominant forms. Hybrid progenies derived from all the crosses showed variation for the presence and absence of a spine. Results indicated that spiny hybrids ranged from 0 to 20.00 % whereas spineless zygotic hybrids ranged from 80.00 to 100 % in all the crosses. These potential hybrids may be recommended for commercial citriculture after thorough horticultural evaluation. The information obtained is expected to contribute to the early identification of zygotic hybrid seedlings derived from different cross combinations involving polyembryonic parents like sweet oranges. The valuable information gained from this study may help in shortening the breeding cycle and reduce the costs of the scion breeding programme in sweet oranges.
1Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany. 2Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. 3Aydin Adnan Menderes University (ADU), Turkey. Corresponding e-mail: serra.aksoy@campus.lmu.de
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i03.68
Key words: MobileNetV3 Small, EfficientNetV2 Small, DenseNet121, ShuffleNetV2_x1_5, image classification, fruit and vegetable diseases
Abstract: Accurately distinguishing between fresh and rotten fruits and vegetables is essential for reducing waste, ensuring food safety, and maintaining quality standards in agriculture and supply chain management. This research utilized the fruit and vegetable diseases dataset from Kaggle, which included images of 14 types of produce in both healthy and rotten states. In this study, the performance of four pre-trained convolutional neural network models was evaluated: MobileNetV3 Small, EfficientNetV2 Small, DenseNet121, and ShuffleNetV2_x1_5. Among these, ShuffleNetV2_x1_5 demonstrated the highest performance, achieving an overall accuracy of 94.61% and a cross-validation mean accuracy of 96.43% with minimal standard deviation. The model’s efficiency and robust feature extraction capabilities make it highly suitable for real-time applications in agricultural monitoring and robotics, offering a significant advancement in the automation of produce quality assessment.
R. Neelavathi* and Shibi Sebastian
1ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tindivanam, Villupuram district - 604 102, Tamil Nadu, India. Corresponding e-mail: neelavathi@tnau.ac.in
Abstract: Eggplant (brinjal) is commonly affected by fungal and bacterial wilt, as well as shoot and fruit borer infestations, leading to significant yield losses. This study aimed to investigate the production of brinjal grafts using wilt-resistant rootstock, specifically Turkey berry (Solanum torvum Sw.), and to evaluate the field performance of the grafted plants. The success of grafting largely depends on the quality and compatibility of the Turkey berry rootstock. To produce Turkey berry rootstock, seeds were soaked in water for 12, 24, and 36 hours before being sown in protrays filled with cocopeat and in raised beds during May and October. The highest germination rate was observed in seeds soaked for 36 hours and sown in protrays, followed closely by those sown in raised beds. Brinjal scions, 30-35 days old, were grafted onto 55-60-day-old Turkey berry rootstocks and placed in a polytunnel under a shade net. These grafted plants were then transplanted into the field alongside non-grafted plants (seedlings) to compare their performance. Results showed that grafted brinjal plants had significantly greater plant height (142.54 cm), more branches per plant (21.17), and a higher number of fruits per plant (135.31) compared to non-grafted plants. The fruit yield was also notably higher in grafted plants, with 9.11 kg per plant and 61.65 t/ha, compared to 4.82 kg per plant and 30.45 t/ha in non-grafted plants. Grafted brinjal plants exhibited an extended growing period, higher net income, and a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 2.36. No instances of wilt were observed in grafted plants, and they also had lower incidences of shoot borer (15.31%) and fruit borer (11.74%) infestations compared to non-grafted plants. This grafting technique has the potential to enhance brinjal yield and productivity, promoting organic farming by reducing the need for pesticides.
Suresh Bhise1, Devesh Patel1, K.B. Kamaliya2 and V.B. Darji3
1College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. 2Polytechnic in Food Science and Home Economics, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. 3B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. Corresponding e-mail: sureshbhise_cft@yahoo.co.in
Abstract: High-fiber cookies were developed by incorporating pomegranate seed flour (PSF) at 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5 and 20.0%. Among these, cookies containing 15% PSF were identified as the best in baking quality and sensory attributes, making them suitable for further shelf-life studies. A decrease in moisture content was observed in cookies stored in polypropylene (PP) and aluminum (AL) packaging materials, making the cookies dry and eventually unacceptable. Water activity was higher in the control cookies compared to those made with PSF. Under ambient conditions, the cookies made with PSF remained acceptable for up to 75 days, while the sensory panel rejected the control cookies after 60 days. The overall acceptability of the cookies decreased during storage as they hardened due to moisture loss and changes in surface texture. Cookies with 15% PSF showed no visible microbial growth for up to 90 days of storage, but sensory properties began to decline after 75 days at 30±2°C. The fiber content in the developed cookies was measured as 5.82%.
A.S. Ould Kaddour*1, R. Kouadria1, B. Lotmani2 and M. Bouzouina2
1Department of Second Cycle, Agronomic Higher School Mostaganem, Hall of Technology-Kharrouba-Mostaganem, Algeria, 27000. 2Department of Agronomic, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Hocine Hamadou Street, P.O. Box 300, Mostaganem 27000 – Algeria. Corresponding e-mail: a.ouldkaddour@esa-mosta.dz
Abstract: An investigation was conducted to ascertain the impact of the geographical area on the biological properties of Citrus limon L., with the aim of evaluating its potential as a natural source of antioxidants and antibacterial agents. The study involved quantifying the total phenolic and flavonoid compounds in the leaves of C. limon L. collected from two Algerian regions (Chlef and Boumerdes). In vitro antioxidant activity of extract samples were assessed by radical scavenging DPPH and radical cation scavenging ABTS assays, followed by the evaluation of antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus at different concentrations (200, 300 and 500 µg mL-1) byaromatogram analyses. The results exhibited significant variation between plant provenances, with Chlef leaf sample extract being richer in total phenolic and flavonoid contents (72.51±3.05 mg QE g-1 DM, 66.13 ± 2.25 mg GAE g -1 DM, respectively). In addition to its antioxidant properties, Chlef leaf extract also showed high antibacterial activity against S. aureus. Antioxidant tests showed the higher anti-free radical capacity with 86.62 ± 1.14 % and 95.87 ± 0.21 % inhibition rate values by DPPH and ABTS tests, correspondingly. A comparable scavenging capacity of Chlef leaf extract to that of Trolox activity was detected by DPPH test, with an IC50 equal to 665.55 ± 4.19 µg TE mL-1. Besides, this sample showed higher anti-free radical activity than the reference molecule by the ABTS. Furthermore, greater sensitivity of S. aureus to Chlef leaf extract was observed, with zones of inhibition superior to 10 mm. C. limon from Chlef (leaf) can be used as a source of natural antioxidants and antibacterial activity in different fields, especially medicinal applications and agri-foods.
M.M.M. Hussein1, Amira Sh. Soliman2, Mona A. Darwish1, H.M.A. El-Bagoury1 and Yasmeen A. Shehata1*
Abstract: An experiment was conducted from April 2020 to July 2021 to assess the effects of foliar applications of NPK (0, 0.5, 1, and 2 g/L) alongside two concentrations of GA? and BA (150 and 250 ppm) on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of Ficus benjamina L. under greenhouse conditions. Results indicated that applying GA? or BA with NPK at 1 g/L significantly increased plant height, with GA? showing a greater effect on stem diameter than BA. BA promoted branching, and both BA and GA? at 250 ppm enhanced root length and the fresh and dry weights of leaves, stems and roots. The lognest roots were observed with NPK at 2 g/L, while NPK at 1 g/L resulted in the heaviest fresh root weight. The maximum content of carbohydrate and nitrogen was obtained with 0.5 g/L NPK and there was relatively greater accumulation of potassium in plant treated with 1 g/L NPK The GA3 was more effective than BA in increasing nitrogen and phosphorus content in plants. BA and GA? increased chlorophyll-a and -b, with the combination of BA (150 ppm) and NPK (1 g/L) yielding the highest chlorophyll-b levels. The highest carotenoid content was achieved with NPK at 2 g/L combined with either GA? or BA. Treatment with BA at 150 ppm enhanced the chlorophyll a/b ratio, while GA? at 250 ppm more effectively increased the total chlorophyll-to-carotenoid ratio. These findings suggest that foliar application of NPK at 1 g/L, combined with either BA or GA? (250 ppm), optimizes vegetative growth and enhances the chemical composition of F. benjamina L. under greenhouse conditions, promoting both growth quality and vigor.
P.M. Hasna*, M. Rafeekher, I. Priyakumari, C.R. Reshmi, N. Leno and P.P. Gopinath
Department. of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala, India. Corresponding e-mail: hasna-2021-22-002@student.kau.in
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i03.73
Key words: Tuberose, Arka Prajwal, poultry manuring, drip fertigation
Abstract: A study was carried out in March 2023-January 2024 at the experimental field of the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala, India, for the standardization of manuring, irrigation and fertilizer level in tuberose hybrid, Arka Prajwal under drip irrigation and fertigation. The experimental layout was carried out in a split-split plot design with four replications of 16 treatment combinations. Main plot consisted of manures, the subplot consisted of irrigation levels and the sub-sub plot consisted of fertilizer levels. Surface irrigation and manual fertilizer application were treated as control. The synergistic effect of poultry manuring, drip irrigation, and fertigation proved outstanding regarding their individual effects and control. The treatment of poultry manure along with drip fertigation of ½ N and full K at IW/CPE 0.8, recorded the highest plant height (65.62 cm) with a greater number of leaves (18.81) at the spike initiation stage. The same treatment noticed the longest spike (104.70 cm) along with greater number of florets spike-1 (47.55). However, greatest yield (89.67 g) was observed in the poultry manure treatment along with drip irrigation at IW/CPE 1 and 100% recommended dose of N and K through fertigation followed by poultry manure along with fertigation of ½ N full P and full K of recommended dose at IW/CPE 0.8. Considering overall performance, the application of poultry manure along with fertigation of ½ N and total K of recommended dose at deficit irrigation proved to be highly beneficial for growth and yield improvement in tuberose hybrid Arka Prajwal.
A. Pavethra, Karishma Sebastian*, B.S. Manjula, K.N. Satheeshan and Jenita Thinakaran
Division of Horticulture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Corresponding e-mail: karishmasebastian11@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i02.26
Key words: Bee wax, postharvest treatments, potassium permanganate, Red Banana, shelf life
Abstract: The popular Red Banana variety faces transportation challenges and has a limited postharvest shelf life due to its ripe fruits being less resistant and being a climacteric fruit. This study aims to prolong the shelf life of Red Banana fruits through different postharvest treatments. Fruit bunches of Red Banana were harvested at the mature green stage, separated into hands, precooled, subjected to 12 treatments and stored in corrugated fibre board boxes till the end of shelf life under ambient conditions. Fruits coated with 10% bee wax + 0.5% clove oil (T4), fruits subjected to coating with 10% bee wax and packaging with potassium permanganate (T9) and fruits dipped in hot water at 50 °C for 10 min. and packaging with potassium permanganate (T11) registered highest shelf life of 18.67 days. The highest TSS of 26.33°Brix was noticed in fruits stored with potassium permanganate (T8) after 12.67 days of storage and lowest titratable acidity of 0.19% and the highest sugar-acid ratio of 79.76 was noticed in control (T12) after 11.33 days of storage. Moreover, the highest vitamin C content (7.74 mg 100 g?¹), total sugar content (18.47%), reducing sugar content (15.49%), total carotenoid content (24.13 µg 100 g-1) was noticed in treatment T7 (hot water dipping at 50 °C for 10 min.) after 17.67 days, T10 (coating with 40% aloe vera extract and packaged with potassium permanganate) after 13.33 days, T4 (coating with 10% bee wax + 0.5% clove oil) after 18.67 days and T9 (coating with 10% bee wax + potassium permanganate) after 18.67 days of storage respectively. Furthermore, the lowest fungal and bacterial count was observed in treatments T2 (dipping in 30ppm sodium hypochlorite solution), T7 (hot water dipping at 50 °C for 10 min.), T9 (coating with 10% bee wax + potassium permanganate) and T10 (coating with 40% aloe vera extract + potassium permanganate).
S. Kumar*
Department of Agricultural Economics, Shri Durga Ji Post Graduate College, Chandeshwar, Azamgarh (U.P.)-276 128. Corresponding e-mail: sarvesh6126@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i02.27
Key words: High value agriculture, tomato, mango, value, chain, finance, marketing
Abstract: The study conducted an extensive field survey utilizing pre-tested interview schedules with tomato and mango growers and chain actors. A multi-stage purposive-cum-stratified random sampling method was employed to select sample units. The findings of this study highlight the cost orientation of tomato and mango production, indicating a greater need for consequential credit. The research revealed that growers of both commodities within fragmented value chains had a higher proportionate share in the value addition (price) than growers in integrated chains, primarily due to direct sales of produce to consumers. Additionally, downstream actors such as commission agents, wholesalers, and retailers received a comparatively higher proportionate share in the value additions (price) compared to upward actors, indicating that producers could not effectively compete with increased demand in the marketplace. Observations within the chain indicated that finance for tomato and mango production circulated through a product commitment relationship established between chain participants. Downstream actors provided financing to upstream actors from either their surplus funds or external finance received from financial institutions. The study suggests developing a producer-driven chain financing model as an alternative to the buyer-driven financing model for tomato and mango production. This could be achieved by promoting farmers' organizations as long-term financing strategies for financing institutions.
1Department of Agricultural Economics, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Cooch Behar-736165, West Bengal, India. 2Department of Agricultural Statistics, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Cooch Behar-736165, West Bengal, India. Corresponding e-mail: gobinda@ubkv.ac.in
Abstract: The present study analyzed the performance of production and export of Indian garlic based on secondary data collected from different governments departmental repositories and websites. Statistical techniques like mean, standard deviation, regression and CAGR was applied for analysis. Garlic held quantity share (29.68 %) of aggregate production of Indian spices. But in export front the share of quantity and value share of garlic estimated only 2.30 % and 1.21 % respectively of total spices export from the country. India ranked 2nd after China possessing 5.85% share of global production and growing with 9.93 % CAGR over last 15 years (2006-2020) which was 3.5 times higher than China. The major destinations for garlic export from India are Malaysia, Thailand, USA, Vietnam (South) and Nepal altogether constituted around 41 % value of average annual export. But out of these countries, negative trend in export was found in three countries makes India searching for new clients. The lower growth rate (CAGR) of productivity (1.91 %) of garlic compared to acreage (5.46 %) over three decades (1990-91 to 2020-21) harnesses for technological breakthrough. Two producing states of India viz., Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan account around 78.34 % of national production. But in terms of productivity, Punjab (11.39 t/ha), Haryana (10.67 t/ha) and Madhya Pradesh (10.31 t/ha) led the country. Enhancement of productivity through technological development and adequate market infrastructures along with improvement in post harvest management of the crop particularly processing might be given importance to increase production and export potential of garlic.
Leilidyn Y. Zurbano*,Lea Marie S. Castañeda, Russel M. Dorado, Kristine Mae D. Heresano, Harry Lloyd S, Olviga, Mae Dhanica T. Pante
Department of Agribusiness, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Lopez Branch, Philippines. Corresponding e-mail: lyzurbano@pup.edu.ph
Abstract: White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus florida) is one of the domesticated mushrooms in the Philippines and known to grow in various biodegradable wastes. Low Density Polyethelene (LDPE) plastic is one of the most common non-biodegradable wastes in the environment which causes pollution. At present, biodegradation process is one of the ways to degrade plastics because of its non-polluting mechanism and cost-effectiveness. Thus, this study aimed to determine if P. florida could grow in LDPE plastic and facilitate its decomposition. Fourteen treatments were used in the study, laid out in Complete Randomized Design, and replicated thrice. The first four (4) treatments were composed of substrates with no LDPE plastics (rice straw, sawdust and cocopeat) while the rests were substrates with certain percentage of LDPE plastics. Observation was done for eight (8) weeks in the PUP Lopez Mushroom Laboratory and the data obtained was analyzed using ANOVA. Result shows that slight decomposition happened in LDPE plastic mixed with lingo-cellulosic wastes. Small spots or dark holes appear in the surface of LDPE plastics observed under microscope which is a sign of decomposition. In terms of mycelial ramification, fruiting bags with LDPE plastics were first to occupy the fruiting bag. There was also a decreased weight of the fruiting bags after 8 weeks. In terms of yield, substrates without LDPE plastics grew mushrooms with the highest weight. However, yield in sawdust and cocopeat substrates were not significantly different with the yield of mushrooms grown in substrates with LDPE plastics.
Raghvendra Pandey1, Brijesh Pandey2 and Atul Bhargava1*
1Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar, India. 2Department of Biotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar, India. Corresponding e-mail: atulbhargava@mgcub.ac.in
Abstract: This research delves into the morphological and anatomical intricacies of Nigella sativa L. (Ranunculaceae), commonly known as black cumin, through meticulous examination of various accessions collected from diverse geographical regions in India. Morphological studies revealed distinct characteristics such as the linear to lanceolate alternate leaves, black capsule fruit housing seeds, and growth parameters including germination time, maturation period, and yield per plant. Notably, certain accessions exhibited superior attributes in terms of plant height, root length, and seed yield. Anatomical investigations unveiled detailed structures of stems, roots, seeds, and capsules. Stem anatomy exhibited a multi-cornered structure with specific features like uniseriate epidermis with non-glandular trichomes, parenchymatous cortex with chlorenchymatous and sclerenchymatous cells, and distinct vascular bundle arrangements. Root anatomy depicted a circular cross-section with well-defined layers including epidermis, cortex, and xylem with prominent oil droplets. Seed anatomy displayed layers of epidermis, parenchyma, pigmented layer, endosperm, and a central embryo. Moreover, this study identified novel cells in the stem cortex and observed variability in carpel numbers among different accessions. The findings contribute significantly to the understanding of N. sativa morphology and anatomy, shedding light on previously unexplored aspects and emphasizing the need for further investigation into the variability within and among accessions.