Genetic diversity analysis of guava (Psidium guajava L) genotypes in West Bengal, India

1School of Agriculture, Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore, 70121, West Bengal, India. 2Department of Fruit Science, B.C.K.V. Mohanpur, Nadia, 741252, West Bengal, India. Corresponding e-mail:
Key words: Correlation studies, dendrogram, germplasms, morphological variation, PCA
Abstract: A total 28 traits enabled an assessment of the genetic variability of twenty-four guava genotypes. Many of these traits are significantly important and used for improvement programmes regarding fruit quality and yield. The TSS of fruit ranged from 8.57 0B (China genotype) to12.19 0B (Arka Kiran) and seed number/fruit 109.58 (Taiwan) to 303.67 (China genotype). Correlation studies revealed a strong positive correlation among quantitative traits related to fruit yield and quality while negative correlation between qualitative traits. Principal component analysis showed that the first three components with Eigen values could explain more than 76.99% of the total variation. PC1, PC2 and PC3 accounted for 41.15, 24.74 and 11.10%, respectively. Cluster analysis distinguished all the genotypes into three clusters/groups. The PCA and clustering analysis indicated a higher level of diversity in guava genotypes. Local cultivars such as Baruipur Local, Khaja, and Mohammad Khaja genotypes, as well as improved cultivars such as Arka Kiran, Philippines genotypes, were identified as having desirable fruit quality traits that could be used for commercialization and crop improvement.