Flowering biology and fruiting phenology study in white cross-berry (Grewia tenax (Forssk.)) Fiori.

1ICAR - Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Kukma, Bhuj – 370 105 (Gujarat) India. 2ICAR - Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj – 370 105 (Gujarat) India. Corresponding e-mail: rahul2iari@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2022.v24i03.57
Key words: Grewia tenax (Forssk.) Fiori, flowering biology, fruiting phenology, Kachchh
Abstract: Current emphasis on food supply, market value, and therapeutic use of underutilised crops makes Grewia tenax suitable for commercial production. Therefore, flowering biology and fruiting phenology study were carried out on field-established G. tenax plants in Kachchh, Gujarat, from February - March 2018. Flowers are scented and cream-white with yellow stamens and composed of 5 petals and sepals, an ovary and a style, 2 anther lobes and many anthers (66.33 ± 7.51). Bud initiation started in the last week of February and anthesis was observed after 6.40 ± 0.18 days of bud initiation. Flower anthesis start at 1130 h and is completed at 1330 h, with peak anthesis during 1215-1230 h in February. On an average, 15.55±0.98 and 19.55±0.98 days are required for fruit maturity and ripening. The study revealed that the fruit traits of the white cross berries, including fruit length and diameter, varied within the ranges of 4.93-6.69 mm and 4.06-5.91 mm, respectively. As there is limited information available on this species, these findings provide a foundation for further genetic research on white cross berries. This study can serve as a valuable resource for future investigations aiming to enhance our understanding of the genetic makeup of this species and potentially improve its fruit traits through breeding programs.