Identification of appropriate maturation stages and postharvest treatment for tomato fruits of the "Pearson" variety for local and distant markets

1Amity Institute of Horticulture Study and Research, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. 2Horticulture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan. 3Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. 4Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Corresponding e-mail:
Key words: Pearson variety, harvesting stages, postharvest treatments, ambient storage, shelf life, quality, and market
Abstract: This study was conducted under ambient condition at the research farm of the Agriculture Faculty in Kabul University, Afghanistan. The objectives were to identify suitable harvesting maturity stages for tomato crop that will result in adequate shelf life of tomato fruits for local and distant markets. The results indicated that fruits of the turning color stage treated with 6 % CaCl2 solution had the best quality and highest shelf life (17.5 days) compared to other treatments. Whereas, based on the significant main effect the 15.38 and 14.17 days’ highest shelf life recorded for tomatoes of H1 (turning color stage) and D1 (dipped in 6 % CaCl2 solution) respectively. The TSS (oBrix) and PLW (%) increased till the end of storage life but the tomato fruits’ firmness (g cm-2) decreased. The lowest values noted as 4.79 and 4.74 (oBrix) TSS and 3.31 and 2.93 (%) PLW but the highest tomatoes firmness were 932.50 and 854.17 (g cm-2) recorded all for fruits of H1 (turning color stage) and D1 (dipped in 6 % CaCl2 solution), respectively. In conclusion, the turning color, pink color and light red color stage’s fruits of the Pearson variety are recommended harvesting of fruits of Pearson variety for the distant market, local market, and immediate use, respectively and the 6 % CaCl2 solution could increase shelf life and maintain tomato quality.