Comparative study of vetiver root (Chrysopogon zizanioides) and other biochars for water purification

1Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Department of Spices and Plantation Crops, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. Corresponding e-mail:
Key words: Banana, biochar, nutrients, palmyrah, pyrolysis, sugarcane, vetiver, water purification
Abstract: A lab experiment was conducted in Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture (Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India during 2018-2019 in a completely randomized design to study the effect of vetiver root (Chrysopogon zizanioides) and other biochars on water quality and water nutrient status in Bore well water and Well water. The experiment consisted of five main factors and two sub-factors. The samples like vetiver root, vetiver root biochar, sugarcane bagasse, palmyrah fruit and banana peel were shade dried and dried in a hot air oven at different temperatures for uniform drying. The pyrolysis process i.e. dried samples into biochar with the recommended temperatures, was carried out in Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi. Water from Bore well and well was filtered using vetiver root and different biochars. Water quality parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, potassium, alkalinity were analyzed. The analysis concludes that vetiver root biochar-treated water showed best results in pH, Electrical conductivity, TDS, Potassium and Sodium concentrations.