Growth and flowering pattern of commercial Heliconia varieties in coconut ecosystem

1Indian Council of Agricultural Research- Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Kerala-690533, India. 2Indian Council of Agricultural Research- Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala-671124, India. Corresponding e-mail:
Key words: Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), flower, Heliconia, intercrop
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Kerala, during 2012-2016 for identifying potential commercial heliconia varieties suitable for intercropping in the coconut ecosystem. The experiment revealed that heliconia varieties viz., Iris, Kawauchi, Sunrise and She are suitable as intercrops in coconut gardens. A combination of the varieties She and Sunrise can be planted in the ratio 1:1 for year-round production of marketable inflorescences. Variety Iris can be planted at 1.25 x 1.25 m spacing, whereas the others require spacing of 75 x 75 cm. Heliconia intercropping resulted in higher productivity of the main crop (coconut) as well. This may be due to the micro habitat’s higher moisture retention, which might have resulted in the percentage reduction of fallen nuts in coconut.