Awareness and adoption level of improved practices by pear growers of Tarn Taran district

Punjab Agricultural University, Farm Advisory Service Centre, Tarn Taran-143401, India. Corresponding e-mail:
Key words: Pear, adoption level, improved practices, practical know-how
Abstract: Pear is one of the most important fruit crops of the temperate region. In Punjab, a low chill variety Patharnakh, has been widely cultivated and become the commercial fruit crop. The present investigation was conducted to assess the awareness and adoption of recommended pear production practices to narrow the adoption gaps so as to achieve sustainable production of quality fruits in Tarn Taran District to evaluate the effect of different technology variables on the awareness score and adoption level of recommended package of practices for pear. The study showed that the respondents along with awareness adopted some of the recommended practices for pear cultivation on priority such as timely irrigation to the plants (As = 1.0; Al =2.6), use of FYM along with chemical fertilizers and timely pruning and training of the fruit plants having good awareness and adoption values. However, they were moderate in terms of weed management (As = 0.58; Al =1.26) and practice of proper packaging and marketing of fruits (As = 0.56; Al =1.20). On the other side, management of mite (As = 0.06; Al =0.10) followed by use of micronutrients as balanced nutrition (As = 0.10; Al =0.22), use of Bordeaux mixture for sap wood and root rot and use of potassium nitrate (KNO3) for better yield were practices with least awareness and adoption values. The results indicated that, a mere awareness of technology does not lead to adoption. This gap can be bridged by imparting practical know-how with hands-on training to pear growers in niche area.