Leaf and soil nutrient status of mango (Mangifera indica L.) grown in peninsular India and their relationship with yield.

Y.T.N. Reddy, R.M. Kurian, N.T. Sujatha and M. Srinivas

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta, Bangalore - 560 089, India.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2001.v03i02.03

Key words: chemical composition, correlated traits, crop growth stage, crop yield, cultivars, leaves, mangoes, mineral content, nitrogen, nitrogen content, nutrient availability, nutrient content, phosphorus, plant composition, plant nutrition, potassium
Abstract: Twenty-five mango orchards in Nuzuvid (Andhra Pradesh), Srinivaspur (Karnataka), and Krishnagiri (Tamil Nadu), India, were evaluated for leaf and soil nutrient status from 1994 to 1997. Banganapally was grown in 5 orchards, Alphonso in 5 orchards, and Totapuri in 15 orchards. The trees in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh were 30- to 40-year-old, whereas those in Tamil Nadu were 20-year-old. The high-yielding trees had higher leaf N content than the low-yielding trees. The orchards in Andhra Pradesh had the highest leaf and soil nutrient (N, P, and K) levels. The available soil N significantly varied between high-yielding and low-yielding trees only before the flowering stage. The available soil P and K did not significantly vary with the growth stage. The high-yielding orchards recorded higher soil N and P, and lower soil K than the low-yielding orchards. Fruit yield was positively correlated with leaf N before and during flowering, with leaf P after harvest, and with leaf K before flowering. Fruit yield was posi

Journal of Applied Horticulture