Nanofertilizer and its application in horticulture

Department of Horticulture Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University- Aizawl, Mizoram 796004.
Key words: Nanofertilizers, chitosan, chlorophyll, nanozeolite, proliferation, food security
Abstract: Current horticultural practices are being upgraded and updated by use of various technologies including nanotechnology. Use of nanotechnology for developing nanofertilizers could improve the nutrient use ef?ciencies, reduce nutrient loss, replenish soil fertility, increase crop yield, maintain ecosystem, soil health and curtail serious soil problems. Nano-fertilizers are formulated to deliver and emit nutrient tardily and deliberately. Regular release of nutrients by nanofertilizers help in augmenting nutrient use efficiency beyond several related adverse outcome. Nanofertilizers may increase the fruit yield and quality of various horticultural crops which will inturn increase the nutritive content of products as well as increase the global food security. The present review discuses different aspects of nanofertilizer application in horticulture.