Effect of levels of NPK on growth and yield of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk)

1Department of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, RVSKVV College of Horticulture, Mandsaur-458001 (Madhya Pradesh) India. 2RVSKVV Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Agar Malwa-465441 (Madhya Pradesh) India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2021.v23i01.10
Key words: Growth, isabgol, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, yield
Abstract: An experiment was conducted during the Rabi season of 2015-16 at Horticulture Experimental Farm, College of Horticulture, Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh) to study the effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth and yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) using randomized block design with 3 replications. There were 9 treatments in the experiment viz., 30:15:10 kg NPK ha-1, 30:15:20 kg NPK ha-1, 30:30:10 kg NPK ha-1, 30:30:20 kg NPK ha-1, 60:15:10 kg NPK ha-1, 60:15:20 kg NPK ha-1, 60:30:10 kg NPK ha-1, 60:30:20 kg NPK ha-1 and absolute control. Results revealed that application of 60:30:20 kg NPK ha-1 gave significantly higher value of growth, and yield attributes and economics as compared to other treatments.