Nutrient dynamics and assessment of nitrogen-fixing bacteria during vermicomposting of leaf litter of neem (Azadirachta indica) using two epigeic earthworms

Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry-605 014, India.
Key words: Earthworms, vermicomposting, nutrients, neem, Azadirachta indica
Abstract: The soil is a natural dynamic body with properties derived from combined effects of climate and biotic activity. It is a porous medium made up of minerals, water, chemicals, organic matter, and micro-organisms which supports plant growth and development. On the other side, the leaf litter from the plants upon decomposition release nutrients and helps in nutrient recycling. In nature, leaf litter is processed by soil organisms of which earthworms are one of the major contributors in nutrient cycling. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the nutrient dynamics while vermicomposting neem leaf litter employing two epigeic earthworm species, Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae. In addition, an assessment has been made on the presence and quantification of the nitrogen (N2) fixing bacteria during the vermicomposting of leaf litter. From this study, it was found that the nutrients were higher in the earthworm worked leaf litter than the control. It was also found that the nutrients were higher on the 30th day from the start of the vermicomposting process, and tend to reduce by the 60th day with further fall on the 90th day.