Variations in fruit and seed traits in jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels)

Vegetable Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Palur - 607 102, Tamil Nadu, India.
Key words: Jamun, genotypes, fruit traits, seed traits, seedless fruits.
Abstract: Jamun fruits collected from different locations showed wide variations in fruit and seed characters. Among 49 genotypes, SC1, SC27, SC33 and SC40 had lesser seed weight ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 g, therefore these genotypes can be considered as seedless types. Also, these genotypes had least seed content viz., 9.1 % (SC1), 10.3 % (SC27), 6.5 % (SC33) and 5.6 % (SC40). Nevertheless, these genotypes have two types of fruit in which the bigger fruits have thin seed and others have no seed. In seedless fruits, the aborted ovule was recorded. In addition, the seedless genotypes were found to have higher total soluble solids and sugars. Therefore, these genotypes can be used in the food industry particularly for the preparation of value added products and also as table fruit variety.