Changes in physiological and biochemical parameters during growth and development of mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.) grown in Vietnam

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Hongduc University, Thanhhoa city, Vietnam. Faculty of Biology, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Faculty of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Hongduc University, Thanhhoa city,Vietnam
Key words: Mango fruit, biochemical indicators; physiological indicators, ripening.
Abstract: This paper presents research results on the changes in physiological and biochemical parameters during growth and development of mango fruit grown in Vietnam, thereby determining the physiological maturity time of the fruit. The results showed that significant changes occurred in pigments content, reducing sugar content, starch content, total organic acid content, vitamin C content, protein content, lipid content, pectin content, tannin content and changes in the activity of enzymes ?-amylase, catalase, peroxidase of mango from formation to fruit ripening. Based on the results, we found that mango fruit should be harvested at physiological maturity (16 weeks old) before completely ripening on the tree to ensure the nutritional value of the fruit during storage.