Stability analysis and genotype x environment interaction for flower yield and quality traits in marigold (Tagetes spp.)

Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari - 396 450, Gujarat, India.
Key words: Marigold, stability, genotypes, environments
Abstract: The stability analysis of 26 diverse genotypes of marigold (Tagetes spp.) carried out over three different environments, revealed that the differences among genotypes and environments were highly significant for all the characters when tested against both pooled error as well as pooled deviation. The analysis further revealed that component of G x E (linear) had most contribution for plant height, number of secondary branches per plant, days to first flowering, flower diameter, flower weight, number of flowers per plant and flower yield per plant indicating significant differences among the genotypes for their regression on environmental indices. Considering the three stability parameters, Local Selection 13 for flower yield (414.40 g/plant); F1 White Dwarf, Local Selection 2 and Namdhari African Orange for earliness and Local Selection 9, Local Selection 14 and Local Selection 13 for individual flower weight were identified as promising genotypes for further improvement programme.