Shelf life enhancement of fresh pears using tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) herbal edible coatings

Department of Food and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Key words: Pears, Shelf life, Quality parameters, Herbal edible coating, Ocimum sanctum and Tulsi extract.
Abstract: The present research was conducted to extend the shelf life of fresh pears by using beeswax and cornstarch herbal edible coatings. The coatings were prepared from cornstarch and beeswax by incorporation of aqueous Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) extract. cornstarch and beeswax have good moisture and gas barrier properties while Tulsi (O. sanctum) extract acted as an antimicrobial agent in this coating therefore herbal edible coated pears have a longer shelf life as compared to uncoated pears. Coated and uncoated pears were stored at ambient temperature (31 ± 2 °C and 70 ± 8 % RH) and low temperature (4 °C). Pears were analyzed for the quality parameters such as weight loss, firmness, TSS, titratable acidity, pH and sensory evaluation. The weight loss and firmness of coated pears were significantly (P < 0.05) less as compared to uncoated pears. Beeswax herbal edible coating gave the best results in pear storage as compared to cornstarch herbal edible coating. On the other hand cornstarch herbal edible coating also gave good results as compared to uncoated pears, it enhanced the shelf life of pears for 45 days at ambient temperature and 60 days at low temperature (4 °C), in case of beeswax herbal edible coating it increased the storage life of pears for 45 days at ambient temperature and 70 days at low temperature (4 °C). Sensory evaluation of coated pears such as color, texture, overall acceptability was better for both conditions as compared to uncoated. Therefore, it is concluded that the herbal edible coatings have the potential to extend the shelf life.