Relationship of turmeric and tamarind leaf extract ratio with induction time and antioxidant activity synergism

Department of Agriculture Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran, South Kuta, Badung, Bali (80362), Indonesia.
Key words: Turmeric, tamarind leaves, induction time, synergism antioxidant
Abstract: This study aims to determine the ratio of turmeric rhizome extract (TE) and tamarind leaf extract (TLE), which is suitable for the time of induction and the highest antioxidant synergism. The TE:TLE ratio examined was 10:1; 10:1.5 and 10:2. The chosen variable was the amount of peroxide. Observations carried out for 7 hours at one-hour intervals using ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method. Relationship between the time and absorbance were depicted to show the induction time and synergism in antioxidants. The results showed that all TE and TLE ratios had antioxidants that inhibited lipid oxidation reactions at the stage of initiation and propagation. TE and TLE ratios 10:1, 10:1.5 and 10:2 had induction time, respectively 2.9577; 3.0206 and 3.1882 hours with FTC method, 3.6116; 3.706 and 3.8722 h with the TBA method. Synergism antioxidant 103.534; 106.924 and 110.705 %, with the FTC method, and 102.9393; 109.522 and 115.969 % with TBA. The highest antioxidant synergism in both methods was shown by the ratio of TE:TLE = 10:2.