Potential of Moroccan dates of Jihel variety

Agro-physiology, Biotechnology, Environment and Quality Laboratory, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra-Morocco.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2019.v21i02.22
Key words: Date, Jihel, marketing, Morocco, phoenicicultural, varieties
Abstract: Morocco?s ph?nicicultural heritage is known for its varietal diversity. The present study aims to determine the potential of the Jihel variety of dates, compared to the other most marketable varieties of dates in Morocco. Based on a bibliographic analysis, a follow-up of units of dates and an analysis of the surveys were realized along with field data recovery. The present study shows that dates of Jihel variety have many criteria that permit its position as an important commercial produce. However, many interesting measures must be envisaged, in particular, the respect of the good practices of production, the accompaniment of the phoeniculturists, the encouragement of industrialists and the promotion of the dates of Jihel variety by the implementation of an appropriate communication approach: advertising campaigns, innovative concepts of packaging and labeling. The results represent an exploitable base to establish a roadmap, aiming for the development of the phoenicultural sector in particular dates of Jihel variety of Morocco.