Standardization of time and method of propagation in avocado

Central Horticultural Experiment Station, (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research), Chettalli -571248, Kodagu, Karnataka.
Key words: Avocado, propagation, grafting, budding
Abstract: Avocado is propagated by seed in India. The plants produced from seeds are not uniform and take long time to start bearing and fruit quality is unreliable. The propagation of superior clones of avocado by vegetative method is essential to avoid these problems. Thus a study was conducted to standardize the method and time of propagation of avocado through vegetative means. There were four methods of multiplication namely veneer grafting, cleft grafting, T- budding and patch budding which were performed in all the months of the year at CHES (IIHR), Chettalli. After 90 days of grafting , mean percent success was highest in cleft grafting (32.5%) while lower mean success was observed in veneer grafting (8.3%), T- budding (7.5%)and patching budding (5.8%). Among different months, highest mean success was recorded in month of September (32.5%) followed by 22.5 per cent in the month of March and August. Among different combinations of months and propagation methods, highest success (70 %) was recorded in cleft grafting performed in the month of September. This was closely followed by same method done in the month of March (60%). The success in cleft grafting is higher than other three methods in all 12 months. The growth of the scion was higher in grafting methods than budding methods. The percent transplantable seedlings after one year were highest (60%) in cleft grafting done in the month of September. It was concluded that cleft grafting in the month of September and March was found most suitable for the vegetative propagation of avocado under humid tropical conditions.