Effect of crezacin and humic acid on growth and physiological aspects of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Faculty of Agriculture, SohagUniversity, Sohag, Egypt. Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable and Melon Crop, Astrakhan, Russia. Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia. National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt-Kazan Agricultural University, Kazan, Russia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2019.v21i01.11
Key words: Tomato, Crezacin, Energene, plant growth regulators, ascorbic acid, nitrate.
Abstract: This study aims to enhance growth characteristics and quality parameters for tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) by applying different doses of Crezacin (synthetic) and Energene (natural) as growth regulators instead of Chemical fertilization. A specific experiment has been carried out to study the effect of two types of plant growth regulators Crezacin: Active substances (475 g/L): Orth-o-cresoxyacetic acid triethanolammonium salt with applied doses (100, 200 and 300 ppm) and Energene: active substances (700 g/kg) humic acid with applied doses (250, 500 and 700 ppm) on growth and physiological characteristics of tomato plants (Kendras F1). Both Crezacin and Energene were applied three times (Soaking tomato seeds for 24 hours before sowing, spraying on plants at 35 DAP, spraying on plants at 70 DAP). Application of humic acid “Ener-700” increased plant height (78.0 cm), number of leaves/plant (57.8), fresh weight (250.2 g), dry weight (75.1 g) of arial parts, flowers number (48.1), fruits number (35.1) and fruit weight (64.0 g). Also using “ Ener-700” improved tomato fruit’s quality by enhancing level of dry matter (7.6 %), sugar contents (5.8 oBrix), Ascorbic acid (26.9 mg 100 g-1), Maturity Index (12.61) and Taste Index (1.09), while level of nitrate rose by increasing humic acid and the maximum level (22.0 mg kg-1) obtained from Ener-700. Applying Ener-500 gave the maximum titratable acidity (0.48%) and carotenoids contents (4.89 mg 100 g-1)