King chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq.), The Indias hottest chilli- An Overview

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Assam University, Silchar, Assam-788011 (India). Department of Food Engeering, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Sonepat, Haryana-131028 (India).
Key words: King chilli, postharvest, capsaicin, proximate composition, marketing distribution.
Abstract: King chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) is an indigenous variety of capsicum to the northeast region of India and has been familiar as the hottest chilli in the World. In this article possible nutritional value of king chilli was studied for the health benefit. It has also been great prospective for its pungency and medicinal value utilized by the native people of the northeast India. It is consumed in different form as normal chilli but have especial demand on national and international markets for its extra powerful pungency and aroma. Even though being a valuable crop with high potential value for income sources for the indigenous people, so it is essential to emphasis on studies directed towards the different systematic production (morphological, cultivation practices, postharvest processing and marketing) of king chilli. Due to high demand there need to standardize the production and postharvest technology which may help to improve the yield, quality and shelf life extension for long chain marketing and distribution. The present review is focused on production and processing practices of king chilli.