Effect of bio-fungicides on quality parameters of brinjal seeds infected with Phomopsis vexans

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, CCSHAU, Hisar-125004, Haryana.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2018.v20i02.29
Key words: Brinjal, bio-fungicides, carbendazim, Phomopsis vexans, seed quality, Trichoderma viride
Abstract: Brinjal is an important vegetable crop in India and its production is mainly constrained up to 30 per cent due to the seedling and fruit rot caused by fungus, Phomopsis vexans. Although carbendazim is effectively used to control the P. vexans, it is detrimental to human and environment with long term usage. Hence, the present study was conducted to identify the bio-fungicide which can be used as an alternative to carbendazim. The results revealed that the seed germination was significantly superior with Trichoderma viride, T. viride + Pseudomonas fluorescens and T. viride + T. asperellum as compared to the carbendazim in blotter method while it was at par in pot culture experiment. The T. viride resulted in significantly higher seedling length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg), SVI-I and SVI-II as compared to the carbendazim in pot culture experiments. The disease incidence was significantly low and the disease control was significantly high in T. viride and its combinations with P. fluorescens or T. asperellum as compared to carbendazim in blotter method while, at par under pot culture conditions. Therefore, T. viride (5 g kg-1 seed) can be effectively used as an alternative to carbendazim to improve the seedling vigour and control of P. vexans of brinjal.