Estimates of combining ability for biochemical traits in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

Dr. Y.S.R.H.U., Peddapuram - 533 437, A.P., India. Dr. Y.S.R.H.U., V.R. Gudem - 534 101, A.P.. HRS, Dr. Y.S.R.H.U., Lam Farm, Guntur - 522 034, A.P., India. ANGRAU, Guntur - 522 034, A.P., India. Department of Statistics, COH, Dr. Y.S.R.H.U., V.R. Gudem - 534 101 (A. P.), India.
Key words: Chilli, Capsicum annuum, Combining ability, bio chemical, trait, additive
Abstract: Fifty four F1 hybrids were developed in chilli using Line x Tester mating design with nine lines and six testers at Horticultural Research Station, Lam farm, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh during kharif. Estimates of combining ability effects were calculated for seven biochemical traits. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the parents, crosses and parents vs. hybrids for all the traits studied indicating that the existence of wide variability among the material studied. All the characters exhibited low gca to sca ratio indicated predominance of non-additive gene action in inheritance of all traits studied and improvement can be made through heterosis breeding. Among the parents, the lines LCA 504, LCA 446, LCA 466, LCA 654 and LCA 355 and the testers G4, LCA 678, LCA 453 and LCA 705-2 were found to be good general combiners and among the 54 hybrids, the hybrids LCA 504 x LCA 678, LCA 615 x G4, LCA 655 x LCA 315, LCA 355 x LCA 678, LCA 504 x G4, LCA 504 x LCA 453 and LCA 607 x LCA 703-2 were found to be promising hybrids as they exhibited significant gca and sca effects in desirable direction for most of the quality traits. The resulted promising hybrids may be further tested over locations or seasons and recommended for commercial release and identified good general combiners could be utilized in future chilli breeding programmes.