Phosphate fertilization efficiency through the use of microbial phosphate solubilization to boost growth of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in Andisol affected by Sinabung Earuption

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatra Utara, Indonesia.
Key words: Andisol, growth of mustard, microbial phosphate solubilization and SP36 fertilizer
Abstract: Andisol is a land formed by volcanic ash and has a problem in the availability of phosphate (P), as a result the use of P fertilizer becomes ineffective. Andisol affected by the eruption of Mount. Sinabung has pH 4.83 which can affect the availability of P in the soil. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of Microbial Phosphate Solubilization application and SP36 (fertilizer) dose to the efficiency of P fertilizing and growth of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in Andisol land affected by the eruption of Mount. Sinabung. This research used factorial randomized block design with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor was Microbial Phosphate Solubilization i.e. without application (M0), 30 mL Burkholderia cepacia (M1), 30 mL Talaromyces pinophilus (M2). The second factor was SP 36 with five levels i.e. P0 = 0%, P1 = 25% = 50% P3, P4 = 75%, and P5 = 100% of the recommended dose (0g, 0.325g, 0.65g, 0.975g and 1.3 g). The measured parameters were soil pH, P-total, P-available, P uptake, plant height, shoot dry weight. The research results showed that Talaromyces pinophilus with SP36 25% of the recommended dose improved the efficiency of P fertilizing and the growth of mustard in Andisol affected by the eruption of Mount. Sinabung.