Morphological characteristics and frost tolerance of cultivars derived from the Rosa rugosa Thunb.

M.M. Grishko Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, Timiryazevska Str.1, Kyiv-01014, Ukraine,
Key words: Rosa rugosa cultivars, morphological features, time of flowering, frost resistance
Abstract: Frost can damage rose plant and affects its performance in field under subfreezing conditions. Under severe cold conditions of North of Ukraine, use of winter-hardy rose cultivars is a suitable alternative for successful rose cultivation. Evaluation of 21 cultivars derived from Rosa rugosa Thunb. showed morphological characteristics and considerable frost tolerance and required no winter protection for their cultivation. Owing to their advantages, cultivars Abelzieds, Agnes, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Delicia, F.J. Grootendorst, Hansa, Henry Kelsey, Kaiserin des Nordes, Nova Zembla, Pink Grootendorst, Purple Roadrunner, Red Rugostar, Ritausma, Robusta, Rose a Parfum de lHay, Rotes Phanomen, Rugelda, Therese Bugnet, White Grootendorst, White Roadrunner, Yellow Dagmar Hastrup are recommended for planting in urban green areas of zone 5 climate of Ukraine.