Improving off-season production through grafted tomato technology in East Java-Indonesia

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology-East Java, Indonesian Agency for Agriculture Research and Development, Jl. Raya Karangploso KM. 4, Malang 65152- Indonesia. Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology - Riau, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No. 341 Km 10, Pekanbaru - Indonesia.
Key words: Tomato, grafting, plant disease, rainy season, eggplant rootstock
Abstract: was conducted at Kediri, East Java for studying the effect of grafted tomato on off season production (rainy season) of tomato. Experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with four treatment combinations viz., ungrafted (G0) and Grafted (EG 203 eggplant rootstock) (G1) and variety Timothy (V1) and CLN 3024 (V2) were studied for their main and interaction effect. The results indicated that grafting had highly significant effect on wilt disease incidence. There was interaction between grafted and variety for viral diseases and the yield (number of tomatoes). Grafed plants of cv Timothy had low virus attack with a higher yield (65 fruits per plant), compared to ungrafted plants (29 fruits per plant).