Molecular profiling of some Barleria species using rbcL, matK gene sequences and RAPD markers

Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.
Key words: Barleria, molecular marker, rbcL, matK, RAPD
Abstract: Many species of Barleria genus are used in folkore medicine and the biological effects of their compounds have been validated. Molecular identification of Barleria would be a valuable tool for its identification. In the present study, partial gene sequences of rbcL and matK were amplified and sequenced for four Barleria species namely B. cristata, B. prattaensis, B. cuspidata and B. prionitis. The divergence patterns of rbcL, matK gene sequences and their 2-locus combinations revealed discrimination from genera to subgenera level. Further, Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic relationships between the species. The banding pattern and dendrograms constructed showed divergence in all the four species.