Influence of late season nutrition on seashore paspalum turfgrass (Paspalum vaginatum) cold wear

Department of Horticulture (Floriculture), Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-sheikh University, 33516, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Key words: Seashore Paspalum, Paspalum vaginatum, late season nutrition, cold wear.
Abstract: The present research was conducted on Kafer El-Sheikh University garden turfgrass during the winter season (November-May) of 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 to study the possibility of improving cold tolerance of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) turfgrass during late season through either nutrition by compost alone or in combination with foliar application of potassium, silicon, iron or calcium separately. Compost was applied to all area except control on 1st November of each season at 10m3/feddan (2.38kg/m2). Aqueous solutions containing the recommended dose of each element plus 0.1% Tween 20 as a wetting agent were sprayed on the above ground parts until runoff, twice a month. The results showed that compost and Fe combination followed by compost and K2SO4 recorded the best results for most growth and anatomical measurements. The least growth values were observed from the compost alone or in combination with silicon and control treatments.