Aroma profiling of jasmine (Jasminum sambac Ait.) flowers using electronic nose technology

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India. Horticultural College & Research Institute for Women, Navalur kutapattu, Trichy, India. Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Ch
Key words: Jasminum sambac, Electronic Nose, MOS, volatile emission
Abstract: The Jasmine (Jasminum sambac Ait.) flowers are highly fragrant and used for extraction of essential oil, preparation of perfumes and scented water. Since there is a growing demand for the fresh flowers, there arises a need to develop a technique to identify the flower quality in non-destructive and quickest possible manner. A study was undertaken using hand held electronic nose technology (HEN) at the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during the year 2013-2015.The result showed that, the HEN device generated Aroma Index (AI) score increased over the flower development stages and varied from 0.41 in immature bud (stage I) to 4.26 in matured bud (stage V). The comprehensive study on quantum of fragrance releasing pattern at different flower opening stages (physiologically matured bud to fully opened flower) over period of time interval showed that, minimum of 5.41 was recorded in an unopened closed bud stage which gradually increased upto 41.26 in the fully opened flowers. The biochemical constituents responsible for the unique jasmine flower fragrance were identified using Gas Chromatography –Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).