Effect of packaging in extending shelf life of fresh curry leaves

Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Regional Centre, Coimbatore-3, Tamil Nadu, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2015.v17i02.31
Key words: Curry leaf, prepackaging, color scores, physiological weight loss, volatile oil
Abstract: Curry leaf, which is a leafy spice, used in Asian culinary has limited shelf life. Investigation was carried out to extend the shelf life of fresh curry leaf by prepackaging in different packaging materials i.e., polyethylene bags of 38 and 75 micron thickness, polypropylene bags of 20 and 38 micron thickness and stored under ambient (30?2?C) and refrigerated (5 ?1?C) conditions. It was found that prepackaging fresh and stripped curry leaf in polypropylene bag of 20 micron thickness with 0.1 % vent area of 5 mm diameter vent could prolong the keeping quality for 4 days under ambient storage. Also under refrigerated condition, under the same packaging treatment, the sample kept well for a period of 16 days in polyethylene bag of 75 micron thickness.