Studies on crop residue production of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) and physico-chemical properties of sodic soil under varying levels of plant spacing and NPK fertilizers

Department of Horticulture, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar, Kumarganj, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh-224 229 (India).
Key words: Cape gooseberry, crop residue, NPK fertilizers, Physalis peruviana L., plant spacing, soil properties
Abstract: The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.), a quick growing herbaceous crop, leaves behind a good amount of crop residue in the field after fruit harvest that can be utilized as organic source of plant nutrient supply to next crop to be cultivated. In present investigation, crop residue of cape gooseberry grown in sodic soil of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (India) at three planting density (S1 - 75 x 60 cm, S2 - 75 x 75 cm and S3 - 90 x 75 cm) and four levels of NPK fertilizers (F0 - without fertilizers, F1 - 60:40:40, F2 - 80:60:60 and F3 - 100:80:80 NPK kg ha) was estimated. Soil properties were also studied before and after cropping seasons. Mean data of two consecutive years recorded crop residue (fresh biomass) production 34.51, 29.7 and 27.95 t ha-1 at S1, S2 and S3 plant spacing, respectively. The application of NPK fertilizers significantly increased crop residue production and mean value recorded with fertilizer level F0, F1, F2, and F3 was 22.00, 28.71, 34.24 and 36.63 t ha-1, respectively. Increased plant population per unit area as well as higher doses of NPK levels showed a little improvement in bulk density, porosity, organic carbon, pH and EC of soil but influence was non-significant, however, plant spacing and NPK fertilizer treatments exhibited significant improvement in available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of the soil at the end of the second cropping season.