Influence of fluidised bed drying on the quality and storage of Murraya koenigii leaves

Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering-Regional Centre, Coimbatore-641 003.
Key words: Curry leaf, drying, temperature, air velocity, rehydration ratio, volatile oil
Abstract: In the present investigation, the effect of drying temperature and air velocity on the quality of Murraya koenigii leaves was studied. Freshly harvested, washed and stripped M. koenigii leaf (curry leaf) was dried at different air temperature of 40, 45 and 50 oC temperature and at 2, 3 and 4 m/s air velocity in a fluidised bed dryer from an initial moisture content of 184.5 % (dry basis) to a final moisture of around 5% (dry basis). The drying rate decreased with the decrease in the moisture content at all drying temperatures. Drying studies revealed that fluidised bed drying at 45 oC and 4 m/s air velocity was found to maintain the quality of dried curry leaf in terms of rehydration ratio and volatile oil content. The dried leaves packed in 38 micron thickness and stored under ambient condition (30.2 oC) for a period of one month resulted in better product as seen from the volatile oil content and overall acceptability for 4m/s fluidised bed dried sample at 45 oC.