Genetic expression of CMS based hybrids for yield and its attributing traits in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

Division of Crop Improvement, Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi 221 305. Department of Horticulture, Udai Pratap Autonmous College, Varanasi 221 002.
Key words: Chilli, CMS lines, cluster analysis, combining ability, hybrid
Abstract: Eight chilli genotypes including four lines (CCA-4261, CCA-4257, IC-395318 and VR-339) and four testers (DSL-2, EC-519636, EC-566320 and Pusa Jwala) were crossed to obtain 16 F1 hybrids. The lines (females) included three cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines (CCA-4261, CCA-4257 and IC-395318) and one fertile line (VR-339). The 24 genotypes (4 lines, 4 testers and 16 resulting F1 hybrids) were evaluated for growth and yield contributing traits. Correlation studies indicated that yield per plant was significantly correlated with fruit weight, total fruit weight per plant and plant height at both genotypic and phenotypic levels, whereas, it was positively associated with fruit length, fruit diameter and number of fruits per plant. The lines CCA-4261, CCA-4257, VR-339 and EC-566320 were grouped under cluster I while IC-395318 and EC-519636 grouped in cluster II. Analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that lines and testers exhibit adequate variation for all the characters. Highest phenotypic coefficients of variability obtained from fruit yield and the lowest from fruit diameter. Based on per se performance, heterosis and SCA effects, the hybrids IC-395318 ? EC-566320, CCA-4261 ? EC-519636 and VR-339 ? EC-566320 were found superior hybrids for yield and its attributing traits. These elite hybrids may be tested for yield and other quality traits under different agro-climatic conditions for commercial exploitation of hybrid vigour.