Drip irrigation with fertigation in soil-less media for tomato under controlled cultivation

College of Agricultural Engineering & Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore-03, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrisur (Kerala), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2013.v15i03.38
Key words: Drip irrigation, fertigation, micro irrigation, soil-less media, tomato
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during 2009 to 2010 to study the effect of drip irrigation with fertigation in soil-less culture under controlled cultivation for Tomato. The highest yield per plant (2.16 kg/plant) and yield per hectare (112 t/ha) was registered in Peat:Vermicompost (T4F2 ) and the lowest yield per plant was recorded in Coir pith :Vermicompost (T2F1) (1.07 kg and 55.48 t/ha) under polyhouse condition. The highest water use efficiency (1972.87 kg/ha cm) was obtained in T4F2 and the lowest was obtained in T2F2 (977.30 kg/ha cm) in poly house. The highest N fertilizer use efficiency (700 kg/ ha.kg of N) was recorded in T4F2 at 80 % of fertigation and the least efficiency was noted in T2F1 (277 kg/ ha kg of N). The highest K fertilizer use efficiency (560 kg/ ha.kg of K) was recorded in T4F2 at 80 % of fertigation and the least efficiency (222 kg /ha.kg of K) was noted in T2F1. The highest benefit cost ratio 2.33 was recorded in T4F2. The results of the study indicated that the controlled cultivation of tomato in soil-less media has more benefits, in terms of yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency, and benefit cost ratio.