Response of magnesium oxide treatment and method of drying on quality of dried lasoda (Cordia myxa Roxb.) fruits

S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner, Distt. Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Key words: Drying, magnesium oxide, blanching, solar drier, NEB, organoleptic acceptance.
Abstract: Dried lasoda fruits are generally used as off-season vegetable in kitchen for preparing curry, pickle, 'Pachkutta', a special five star hotel dish and snacks. The aim of the study was to determine effect of concentration of magnesium oxide and drying method on quality attributes of lasoda fruits viz., protein content, ascorbic acid, organoleptic acceptance, solid gain ratio and minimum non-enzymatic browning (NEB). Mature, green and uniform sized lasoda fruits were selected and blanched in various concentrations of magnesium oxide (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 %) before drying and dried under different drying methods (open sun, solar and oven). The statistically better quality dried lasoda fruits were obtained when blanched with 0.2 % magnesium oxide solution and dried in a solar drier.