Effect of pruning and fruit thinning on yield and fruit weight of peach (Prunus persica (L) Batsch) cv. Shan-i-Punjab in sub-mountain zone of Punjab: An on-farm study

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (PAU), Haveli Kalan, Ropar -140 001, Punjab, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2013.v15i01.12
Key words: Key words: Prunus persica, pruning, fruit thinning, fruit yield, fruit weight, farmer practice
Abstract: Fruit and shoot management in peaches (Prunus persica L.) is an important intervention to improve fruit quality and its yield . Studies were conducted through on-farm trials at farmer's fields in Ropar (Punjab) district during 2006-2009 to evaluate the technology of pruning and fruit thinning and its effects on crop yield and fruit quality in six-year-old peach cv. Shan-i-Punjab trees with three treatments viz., T1=50% pruning of fruitful shoots + cutting of dead and diseased wood in early-January, T2=T1+ Fruit thinning during mid-March and T3=No pruning and no fruit thinning (Farmer Practice-FP). The pruning treatments caused the development of an abundant number of long shoots, which are valuable for fruiting. Mean fruit yield was 50 kg per plant in T1; 48 kg per plant in T2 and 32 kg per plant in T3 (FP). Mean fruit yield was 56.25 % higher in T1 over T3 (FP) and by 50.00% higher in T2 over T3 (FP). Results revealed that mean fruit weights were 55.10, 70.10 and 41.00 grams in T1, T2 and T3 respectively during 2006-07. Mean fruit weight was 34.39 % higher in T1 over T3 (FP) and it was 70.97 % higher in T2 over T3 . Similar trend was observed during the following years 2008 & 2009 at all the locations except in 2009 where non-significant reduction in fruit yield was noticed in T2 over T3 . The highest benefit cost ratio was obtained in T2 (3.31) followed by T1 (3.20) and T3 (2.32). It was concluded that economic fruit yield can significantly be obtained by imposing 50% pruning of fruited shoots and cutting of dead and diseased wood during early January followed by fruit thinning in mid- March in peaches cv. Shan-i- Punjab in sub mountain zone of Punjab.