Temperature effects on phenological development and yield of Snapmelon

Department of Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Candra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, West Bengal, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2013.v15i01.07
Key words: Temperature, phenophases, growing degree days, yield, snapmelon.
Abstract: The aim of the study was to workout relationship between phenological development and yield of snapmelon in relation to temperature that could be predicted with easily obtainable weather station data and used as an aid in projecting harvest dates along with potential yield. Temperature is one of the most important elements of the climate which determines the potential productivity level of a crop. Heat unit requirement was used for characterizing the thermal response in snapmelon (Cucumis melo var. momordica) for the assessment of yield potential of a crop in different growing environments. A field experiment was carried out to find out the phenophasic development and yield attributes of snapmelon in relation to ambient air temperature and to find out suitable varieties for commercial cultivation of snapmelon with eight genotypes as influenced by three sowing dates. The studies revealed that the snapmelon sown on 22nd January, accumulated lower number of growing degree days with higher heat use efficiency, among the genotypes tried. Efficiency of converting thermal regime to yield formation was higher when the crop was sown on 22nd January and it decreased with the delayed sowing. A sharp decline in crop duration as well as days to flowering occurred with the rise in temperature irrespective of the varieties. Where as fruit weight, fruit diameter and fruit length were varietal characteristics and not influenced by the different environmental conditions. Genotype IC-102K-Bh (V4) was found to be the best cultivar with regard to early female flower initiation and yield as the cultivar utilized the thermal regime for yield most efficiently.