Systematic evaluation of table grapes in search of suitable cultivars for high deserts in the United States

University of Idaho, Parma Research and Extension Center, 29603. U of I Lane, Parma, ID-83660, USA.
Key words: Cold region table grapes, cultivar evaluation, grape genotype, grape adaptability, high desert table grape. Intermountain West region
Abstract: Long-term adaptability and feasibility of table grape production under the high desert conditions of southwest Idaho in the Intermountain West region of the United States were studied systematically in two phases. In the first phase, 'Alborz', 'Challenger', 'Italia', 'Emerald', 'Red Globe', 'Delight', 'Fantasy', 'Flame' and 'Fresno' (all Vitis vinifera L.) and NY36095, NY47616, 'Glenora', 'Reliance', 'Vanessa', 'Saturn', 'Jupiter' (hybrids of Vitis labrusca) had overall better berry quality and consumer preference than other tested grapes. In the second phase, 'Ralli' (also called 'Anahita' in the Intermountain West), 'Kashishi', and 'Autumn Royal' had excellent berry size and quality. 'Anahita' was harvested between Sept 1 and Sep 30. Both 'Kashishi' and 'Autumn Royal' were late-season grapes and matured between Sept 15 and Oct 15. 'Princess' was harvested between Sept 5 and Sept 30. This grape had outstanding flavour but the fruit set was low and clusters were small (268 g). 'Alborz' was harvested between Sept 1 and Sept 30, and with proper thinning, this cultivar had outstanding clusters and berries. Considering all viticultural and quality attributes, we recommend 'Alborz' as a potentially successful table grape for planting in small or large commercial scales under conditions of this study.