Growth and yield of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under organic farming

Division ofVegetable Crops, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta Lake, Bangalore-560089,Karnataka, India.
Key words: Organic farming, French bean, nutrients, growth and yield parameters, yield
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during 2007-2010 to study the effect of levels of organic manure and conventional practices on growth and yield of French bean grown organically. The trial was carried out in organic experimental block of IIHR farm, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore. The trial included four levels of organic manure nutrient and two inorganic nutrient supply treatments. The treatment which received 100 per cent recommended dose of N (RDN) through organics produced the highest pod yield (17.77 t/ha) followed by treatments which received 75 per cent RDN through organics and conventional practices (17.45 and 15.93 t/ha). Plant growth parameters such as plant height (45.5 cm), number of leaves per plant (42.9), leaf area per plant (2706 cm2), nodules per plant (43.9), pod weight per plant (160.1g) and pod length (14.7 cm) were also comparatively higher in this treatment resulting in better pod yield. Application of recommended dose of chemical fertilizer in conjunction with farm yard manure recorded higher values for growth and yield parameters like number of leaves, leaf area, dry matter production, number of pods, pod weight per plant and pod length which also resulted in significantly higher pod yield as compared to the treatment which received recommended dose of chemical fertilizer only.