Combining ability for yield and associated traits in Sudanese okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) collection

University of Al Zaeim Al Azhari -Faculty of Agriculture, Khartoum North - P.O. Box 1432- Sudan
Key words: Abelmoschus esculentus, okra, combining ability, line x tester analysis
Abstract: Seven lines of okra Abelmoschus esculentus [L.] (MOENCH) were evaluated for general and specific combining ability using three diverse testers following a line x tester mating design as described by Kempthorne (1957). Twenty one F1's hybrids along with ten parental lines were raised at the Demonstration Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al Zaeim Al Azhari, Sudan, using randomized complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes existing for yield and associated traits (P=0.01), indicating the presence of sufficient genetic variability in the material studied. Significant variability existed among hybrids (P=0.01) for number of pods per plant, length of pod, pod yield per plant and 100 seeds weight. Estimation of general combining ability effect identified lines HSD 1835, HSD1840 and HSD 2550 as a good general combiners for pod dry weight (P=0.05). Among testers Sinnar was found to be a good general combiner for number of pods per plant, length of pod, yield per plant, number of seed per pod and 100 seeds weight. Estimation of specific combining ability effect identified hybrids HSD 2550 x Sinnar as the best parent combination for number of pods per plant and yield per plant. HSD2543 x Sinnar and HSD1840 x Clemson Spineless recorded as the best parental combination for length of pod. The additive as well as non-additive gene effects played significant role in the inheritance of yield and yield related traits with predominance of additive gene action in the inheritance of major yield contributing traits. Testers contribution percentage were significantly higher for number of pods per plant (77.04%), pod dry weight (40.06 %) and number of seeds per pod (45.04%). The percentage contributions of the interaction were significantly higher and evident in the rest of the traits.