Field evaluation of citrus germplasm for resistance against leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton.

P.K. Arora, J.N. Sharma, S.K. Thind and P.K. Monga

Regional Fruit Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University, Abohar - 152 116, India.


Key words: cultivars, germplasm, grapefruits, insect pests, lemons, limes, mandarins, oranges, pest resistance, plant pests, tangelos, varietal resistance
Abstract: Some 8, 18, 3, 9, 5, 7, 3 and 7 cultivars of sweet oranges, mandarins, limes, lemons, grapefruits, trifoliates [Poncirus trifoliata], tangelos and other related species (such as C. taiwanica) were evaluated for resistance to citrus leafminer (P. citrella) under field conditions at Abohar, Punjab, India, during 1995-97. None of the citrus species was found to be free from leafminer infestation. Two cultivars of sweet orange (Campbell Valencia and Heavy Sweet), 1 of mandarin (Kara), 1 of lime (Sweet lime), 1 of lemon (Galgal), 4 of grapefruits (Davis, Marsh Prolific, Redblush and Star Ruby), 6 of trifoliates (Carrizo, Citrumelo, Pomeroy, Rubidoux, Sacaton Citrumelo and Savage) and 1 of related species (Sadaphal) were found to be least susceptible to leafminer, while 3 cultivars of mandarin (Italian mandarin, Kondanarum and Willow Leaf), 1 of lime (Kagzi lime), 1 of lemon (Jullundhiri Khatti) and 2 of related species (Box orange and Karna Khatta) were found highly susceptible.

Journal of Applied Horticulture