Sex determination in Pistacia species using molecular markers

Horticulture Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Islamic Republic of Iran, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Islamic Republic of Iran. Plant Research In
Key words: Pistcia spp, sex identification, SCAR- PCR, juvenile stage.
Abstract: Sex identification in Pistacia species are economically desirable. Regarding long juvenile stage in Pistacia species and lack of morphological method to identify sex in this stage, molecular marker could facilitate breeding program. Aim of the study was to identify a marker, closely linked to sex locus in Pistacia atlantica Desf mutica, P. khinjuk and P. vera var. Sarakhs. For this purpose, samples were collected from male and female individual trees from each species and their band patterns were analysed according to band specific presence or absence. Twenty Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers and a pair Sequence Characterized Amplified Regions (SCAR) primer were tested to determine sex in wild Pistacia species. Among RAPD primers, only BC1200 amplified a specific sex band which was present in female plant. The results indicated that all individual samples amplified an approximately 300 base pairs fragment in female trees which was absent in male samples. Although sex determination mechanism in Pistacia is unknown, it might be controlled by single locus acting as a trigger. However, SCAR technique is a reliable technique to identify gender genotypes in seedling stage of Pistacia species, that would help to save time and expanses in breeding program.