Nutrient content changes in strawberry plant parts at different development stages

Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.
Key words: Strawberry, nutrient, development stages, plant fragments
Abstract: The objective of the investigation was to study the effect of different development stages on distribution of mineral nutrients in the growing leaves, roots, petioles and fruits. Strawberry plants were grown in a greenhouse in perlite medium and fertigated with Hoagland solution. Mineral nutrient concentration was determined at three development stages viz., flowering, fruiting and the end of fruiting. Also nutrient concentration was determined in different organs at fruiting stage. Our results show that nutrient uptake was variable at different development stages. Leaf and petiole were the main sinks for Ca at fruiting stage and also for Mg and K in petioles, Fe in root, Mn in leaf. Results indicated that plant have different uptake pattern at various development stages. Results on the element uptake by different organs at various development stage is indicative of their relative requirement at different stages.