Growth and yield of grape as influenced by soil-site parameters in Nasik district of Maharashtra

National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 010, Maharashtra, India.
Key words: Grape, soil characterstics, growth, yield, drainage, depth, available water content
Abstract: Six grape growing typical pedons in Nasik district, Maharashtra were characterised and soil-site parameters were correlated with yield and yield attributes of the crop. These soils were very shallow (Darana), moderately deep (Mahiravani, Kothure), shallow (Shivdi), deep (Talegaon) and very deep (Andersool) and characterised by well drained (Darana, Mahiravani, Shivdi) and moderately well drained (Talegaon, Kothure, Andersool). The height, stem girth, spread volume, bunch per plant, berries per bunch were very much related with soil depth, drainage, pH, available water content and DTPA extractable micronutrient cations.