Effect of heavy manuring of phosphorous and its toxicity on growth, photosynthesis and photosynthetic pigments in Zn-efficient genotype of spearmint MSS-5

Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226015, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2008.v10i01.10
Key words: Spearmint, Mentha spicata, Zn-efficient genotype MSS-5, protein, photosyntheis, photosynthetic pigments, Zn toxicity.
Abstract: Changes in growth attributes, photosynthesis (Pn), photosynthetic pigments with y-Glu.cys peptidase peptide and Zn accumulation in a Zn-efficient genotype of spearmint MSS-5 were investigated. Effect of phosphorus toxicity on MSS-5 were significantly different than the other genotypes; Arka, Neera and control (the local strain), in terems of phenotypic changes in height and a decrease in chlorophyll contents and CO2 exchange rate. Heavy P manuring lead to the tolerance of Zn accumulation in MSS-5 with y-Glu.cys. peptidase peptide with high protein contents and Pn. Hence, the P toxicity induced a differential utilization of y-Glu.cys.peptidase peptide for higher accumulation of Zn in MSS-5 spearmint with higher photosynthetic rate for increasing the height and essential monoterpene oil(s). The study also indicated that accumulation of toxic heavy metal-Zn with y-Glu.cys.peptidase peptide made protein synthesis easier with antioxidants Zn cofactor enzymes.