Comparative morphology and RAPD analysis of some turfgrass cultivars grown in Saudi S. Arabia

King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Post Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia.
Key words: Miyako, Nagissa, Tifgreen, Tifway, Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, RAPD, morphology
Abstract: With the increasing number of turfgrass cultivars, development and use of reliable identification methods is becoming important. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers along with morphological markers proved useful for cultivar identification. Seven turfgrass cultivars encompassing four bermudagrass and three zoysiagrasses were grown under uniform greenhouse conditions and their key diagnostic features were described. Bulk samples of leaves were collected from each cultivar and subjected to RAPD analysis using standard protocols. Out of the 35 Operon primers used, 20 detected polymorphism among the cultivars. 'Nagissa' and 'Miyako' zoysiagrasses showed close genetic relationship as compared to the rest of the cultivars. They had the highest value in the similarity matrix for Nei and Li's coefficient (0.802) while one variant of Miyako clustered with Bermuda-1. Tifgreen Bermuda and Bermuda-2 also clustered together while 'Tifway' stood apart. Analysis of the morphological data showed that the variant of ' Miyako' belonged to the Zoysia genus but its genetic affinity with Bermudagrass needs to be explained. Within and between species, the cultivars having similar leaf-texture showed a tendency to cluster together.