Performance of three sweet orange varieties grafted on four rootstocks under Jordan Valley conditions

Irrigated Agriculture Research Program,National Center for Agriculture Research and Technology Transfer (NCARTT), Jordan. Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan.
Key words: Fruit quality, rootstocks, sweet orange, Citrus sinensis, juice content
Abstract: Fruit quality of three orange varieties: 'Salustiana', 'Pineapple' and 'Hamlin' grafted on four rootstocks viz., Sour orange (Citrus aurantium), 'Cleopatra' mandarin (C. reticulata), C. volkameriana and C. macrophylla were evaluated in Jordan Valley. Results indicated that sweet orange grafted on C. macrophylla and C. volkameriana gave the largest fruit weight, diameter and length, while those grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarin gave the smallest fruit. In addition, 'Salustiana' on C. macrophylla, 'Pineapple' on 'Cleopatra' mandarin and 'Hamlin' on both C. volkameriana and 'Cleopatra' mandarin gave the highest juice percentage, however, 'Salustiana' on sour orange, 'Pineapple' on C. macrophylla and 'Hamlin' on sour orange and C. macrophylla had the least. Orange trees on sour orange and 'Cleopatra' mandarin gave the highest TSS percentage, while on C. volkameriana and C. macrophylla it was low. Moreover, 'Salustiana' grafted on C. macrophylla gave low juice pH while on 'Cleopatra' mandarin it gave high juice pH, the opposite was observed for 'Pineapple' and 'Hamlin'