Effect of mineral concentration on in vitro explant growth of almond (Prunus amygdalus var. Binazir)

Department of Horticulture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2006.v08i01.15
Key words: Hyperhydration, medium composition, multiplication, root formation, tissue culture, Prunus amygdalus
Abstract: A study was undertaken to determine the potential of mineral dependent growth of almond in vitro. Shoot-tip of almond (Prunus amygdalus L. var. Binazir) was subcultured on four different concentrations (4, 6, 8, 10 gl1) of gelled modified de Fossard medium (de Fossard, 1976) with four relative concentrations (0X, 0.2X, 1X and 2X basal medium) containing BA 0.75 mgl-1 and NAA 0.75 mgl-1. As mineral concentration increased, both growth and multiplication rate significantly (P=0.05) increased. But increase was not proportional. There was a negative relationship between mineral concentration and root formation. Agar concentration affected the percentage of root formation and hyperhydration. The greatest amount of growth (fresh weight 29%, and dry weight 0.30%) were obtained in the high (2X) mineral concentration with low agar (6 gl-1) treatment after 8 weeks culture period. The highest multiplication rate (7-8 number month-1) was also obtained in the same treatment (2X mineral and 6 gl-1 agar concentrations). No hyperhydration was observed in high agar concentration treatments. This means, increasing agar concentration resulted in decreased hyperhydration phenomenon, however, growth and multiplication rate decreased as agar concentration increased. Highest percentage (68%) of root formation was obtained in low mineral and low agar concentration treatment. Multiplication rate was 2-4 month-1 at low (0.5X) concentration and increased to 7-8 at high (2X) concentration.