Manifestation of heterosis for certain economic characters in round-fruited brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) under Tarai conditions of Uttaranchal, India.

Department of Vegetable Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263 145, India.
Key words: aubergines, crop yield, diallel analysis, fruits, heterosis, hybrids, maturity, yield components
Abstract: Hybrid advantages as consequences of fruit yield and its component characters were studied in 10 round-fruited aubergine hybrids along with their 5 genetically diverse parents in half-diallel manner during 2002-03 in Uttaranchal, India. Appreciable heterosis was recorded over mid, better and standard parents for all the characters. Heterosis to the extent of 8.8, 18.6, 28.0, 41.1 and 59.5% over standard parent (Pant Rituraj) was recorded for fruit length, fruit diameter, total number of fruits per plant, total weight of fruits per plant and early yield, respectively. Heterosis for yield was the cumulative effect of heterosis for most yield attributing characters. The highest yielding hybrid was PB-62 x T-3 (4.5 kg per plant), followed by PR x PB-61 (4.2 kg per plant), with 41.1 and 32% standard heterosis, respectively. The hybrid PR x PB-61 combination was also earliest in maturity with 59.5%, followed by PR x PB-60 showing 41.3% standard heterosis. These two crosses could be exploited as commercial hybrids i