Comparative performance of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) under different irrigation methods.

Prabhat Srivastava and H.S. Chauhan

Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, College of Technology, Pantnagar 263145, U.P., India.


Key words: cultural methods, trickle irrigation, surface irrigation, crop yield, cabbages, irrigation, methodology, spacing, use efficiency, water use, water use efficiency, plant water relations, vegetables
Abstract: The water use efficiencies of cabbages (cv. Golden Acre) irrigated via microsprinkler, drip [trickle], microtube or surface irrigation methods were determined in India. Cabbages were planted at a spacing of 0.5 x 0.6 m. The highest yield was obtained in the microsprinkler irrigation treatment (40.23 t/ha), followed by drip irrigation (38.97 t/ha), surface irrigation (33.76 t/ha) and microtube irrigation (32.54 t/ha). Water use efficiency was highest for drip irrigation, followed by microtube irrigation, microsprinkler irrigation and surface irrigation. Compared with surface irrigation, percentage water savings were 61.44, 59.28 and 36.82% for microtube, drip and microsprinkler methods, respectively.

Journal of Applied Horticulture