Water-logging resistibility of tubers of different potato cultivars

Central Potato Research Institute, Modipuram, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2004.v06i02.26
Key words: Potato, water-logging resistibility, cultivars, tubers, damage.
Abstract: Present study disclosed 24 hours water-logging as physio-damage free water logging and more than 24 hours as physio-damage for the tubers of 4 potato cultivars, namely Kufri Bahar, K. Sutlej, K. Anand and K. Ashoka. A higher percentage (72.51 %) of K. Bahar tubers displaying freedom from water damage showed the tubers of this variety as most water damage resistance among tubers of all cultivars studied. Tubers of K. Sutlej with 64.16 % freedom from water damage were next in order. At various durations of water logging viz., 0, 24, 72, 160 hours, 80.01 % freedom of tubers of K. Bahar from water damages showed this cultivar as most water resistant ones among tubers of remaining cultivars and tubers of K. Sutlej with 56.66% water damage freedom were next in overall 72 hours water logging. But tubers of all cultivars lost their water damage resistibility under 160 hours water logging. Tubers of K. Anand and K. Sutlej were found to be most water damage susceptible under water logging for more than 24 hours. The present investigation suggests that the potato growers should first take care of K. Anand and K. Ashoka tubers during water logging for more than 24 hours.